Need to save httparty response to db and call it in view file
this is what httrparty get
in services folder/
class ParserService
include HTTParty
API_KEY = '882e10dd2b474a23bb7a3efa85e66b61'.freeze
base_uri ''
default_params fielsd: "title, description, ulr, content"
format :json
def self.top_headlines(country_name='us')
def initialize(country_name='us')
@options = { query: { country: country_name, apiKey: API_KEY} }
def top_headlines
response = self.class.get("/top-headlines", @options)
pars_json = response.parsed_response
pars_json["articles"].each do |k|
@source = ActiveModel::Source.create(google_id: k["id"], name: k["name"])
@article = Article.create(title: k["title"], source_id:,
description: k["description"], content: k["content"])
class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
def index
@articles = Article.all
and model
class Article < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :source, class_name: "Source", optional: true
validates :title, presence: true
validates :source_id, uniqueness: true
and schema.rb
That what I done now if try to save Article in (rails c) console have this error, validation
when try to comment validation it save save empty fields
and I realy do not understand why it empy, when I call JSOn directlly, without saving to db, on view it show all what I need, but now I have this... on index page
and in console later got errors
I can image how to fix this and what and where go wrong
from what it looks like to me:
pars_json.each do |k|
art ='us')
res = response.body
art.title = res["title"]
this piece is where you're trying to save it to the DB? I don't think ParserService is a model you've created that reflects a table from your DB.
if you have the Article
model that you're wanting to use to save each object parsed from API call you'd want to do something as such instead of the above:
pars_json.each do |k|
article = Article.create(title: k["title"], k["description"]...)
Try to first print out what k
is exactly and line up the object keys to correspond to the correct Article
Again, to save to the DB, you need to use a model you've created that reflects a table on the DB. if you have the articles
table on your DB where you'd like to save your API response data, then you should create instances of Article
and save those.
Then in the controller it's just calling it by @articles = Article.all
or whichever query you'd like to run to have your list of articles.
I'd recommend running the ParserService
in a Background job to have the API fetch the data on a parallel process without having it affect too much the rails process