In Terraform using openstack_v2 provider, handling dns records is really complex, since dns records have a trailing point, and there's no way to easily handle theses cases with Terraform (0.11).
See first comment. I did not specify at first that fqdn can be used with trailing point almost everywhere: browser, terminal, ansible... This use case is when the trailing point causes issues. For example in a system that badly handles fqdn...
Here is an example of a dns-record:
id = b84346ec-240b-4517-8da5-0715ed196bc2/234acad2-909a-490c-8aec-b9655fa4bc41
description =
name =
records.# = 1
records.0 =
region = RegionOne
ttl = 3000
type = A
zone_id = b84346ec-240b-4517-8da5-0715ed196bc2
Terraform does not provide any way to transform strings in list. How can I do this?
The solution is to use data_null_source
that can bear a count value. The count variable is the only way to apply a string transformation to the list values.
Here is the code sample to handle this use-case. It will remove the last character for each dns record name, allowing us to use the FQDN without the trailing point later.
data "null_data_source" "fqdns" {
count = "${var.instance_count}"
inputs = {
dns = "${substr(element(openstack_dns_recordset_v2.dns-record.*.name, count.index),0,length(element(openstack_dns_recordset_v2.dns-record.*.name, count.index))-1)}"
output "fqdns" {
value = ["${data.null_data_source.fqdns.*.outputs.dns}"]
Now we can use the fqdns object. Yay!