So i'm trying to use the PDO module in PHP on a Redhat based distribution (RHEL7) to interact with a database.
In my Php script i have the 'use PDO;' directive, but in the PHP log i get an error : PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'PDO' not found in ...
The extension is uncommented in the php.ini file (extension =, i have tried with the relative and the absolute path. I even reinstalled the php-pdo package (yum install), but without success.
I've compared my phpinfo() with a working phpinfo(), and i am missing the PDO section.
I have checked and Apache loads the correct php.ini file
I've passed all my extensions permissions to 755 just to be sure.
I don't get any php warning at startup so i don't know where the problem seems to be.
I found the error :
First i started using php in direct command line, and set the env' variable LD_DEBUG=libs
./php -c /path/to/php.ini /path/to/php/file.php
So with that i was able to get the debug on the dynamic loading of my modules and on the php.ini.
I saw that there was an uncommented line that was blocking the loading of the modules in the INI file, then you have to load the module before the and of course restart you apache server.