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sql add subtotal and grand total

I am trying to add the subtotal of loans and total numbers of weeks by the program and add a grand total for all loans and all weeks at the last row.

I've tried grouping sets and rollup, but the result is unchanged or wrong...

Here is the table:

STUDENT (**St_ID**, St_LName, St_FName, Email, Prog_ID@) 
LOCATION **(Location_ID**, Loc_Bldg, Loc_Room) 
ITEM (**Item_ID**, Item_Manuf, Item_Model, Comments1) 
COMPUTER (**Comp_ID**, Comp_Name, Year, Cost, Location_ID@, Item_ID@, Vendor_ID@) 
LOAN (**Loan_ID**, St_ID@, Comp_ID@, Start_Date, Date_Returned) 
PROGRAM (**Prog_ID**, Name) 
VENDOR (**Vendor_ID,** Name, Contact_FName, Contact_LName, Phone, Email) 

My query and output, but I don't know how to add the subtotal and grand total...

select program.Name Prog_Name, student.st_Lname||', '||st_Fname st_name, loan_id, loc_bldg||', '||loc_room location,
           to_char((date_returned-start_date)/7, '99') weeks
    from program right join student using (prog_id)
                 left join loan using (st_id)
                 join computer using (comp_id)
                 join location using (location_id)
    group by grouping sets((program.Name,st_Lname||', '||st_Fname,loan_id, loc_bldg||', '||loc_room, 
    order by 1,2;

PROG_NAME                      ST_NAME              LOAN_ LOCATION                    WEEKS
------------------------------ -------------------- ----- --------------------------- ----------
Information System             Jiang, Yaohan        0010  Cyert Hall, 0701              0
                               Jiang, Yaohan        0012  Cyert Hall, 0701              2
                               Jiang, Yaohan        0013  Cyert Hall, 0701              6
                               Jiang, Yaohan        0014  Tepper Quad, 1009             7
                               Jiang, Yaohan        0016  Warner Hall, 1304             7
                               Xiao, Shan           0007  Cyert Hall, 0701              9
                               Xu, Sheng            0001  Baker Building, 1101         11
                               Xu, Sheng            0006  Porter Hall, 1004             9
Information Technology         Ouyang, Hsuan        0004  Baker Building, 1101          1
                               Ouyang, Hsuan        0008  Tepper Quad, 1009             5
                               Peng, Bo             0003  Warner Hall, 1304             1
                               Peng, Bo             0015  Warner Hall, 1304
                               Wu, Shinyu           0002  Tepper Quad, 1009             4
                               Wu, Shinyu           0005  Tepper Quad, 1009             0
                               Yin, Abby            0009  Tepper Quad, 1009             1


  • The issue is a) your grouping sets aren't correct, and b) you don't have any aggregate functions to do the grouping sets against.

    I think the following is what you're after:

    WITH your_results AS (SELECT 'Information System' prog_name, 'Jiang, Yaohan' st_name, 10 loan, 'Cyert Hall, 0701' LOCATION, 0 weeks FROM dual UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'Information System' prog_name, 'Jiang, Yaohan' st_name, 12 loan, 'Cyert Hall, 0701' LOCATION, 2 weeks FROM dual UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'Information System' prog_name, 'Jiang, Yaohan' st_name, 13 loan, 'Cyert Hall, 0701' LOCATION, 6 weeks FROM dual UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'Information System' prog_name, 'Jiang, Yaohan' st_name, 14 loan, 'Tepper Quad, 1009' LOCATION, 7 weeks FROM dual UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'Information System' prog_name, 'Jiang, Yaohan' st_name, 16 loan, 'Warner Hall, 1304' LOCATION, 7 weeks FROM dual UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'Information System' prog_name, 'Xiao, Shan' st_name, 7 loan, 'Cyert Hall, 0701' LOCATION, 9 weeks FROM dual UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'Information System' prog_name, 'Xu, Sheng' st_name, 1 loan, 'Baker Building, 1101' LOCATION, 11 weeks FROM dual UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'Information System' prog_name, 'Xu, Sheng' st_name, 6 loan, 'Porter Hall, 1004' LOCATION, 9 weeks FROM dual UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'Information Technology' prog_name, 'Ouyang, Hsuan' st_name, 4 loan, 'Baker Building, 1101' LOCATION, 1 weeks FROM dual UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'Information Technology' prog_name, 'Ouyang, Hsuan' st_name, 8 loan, 'Tepper Quad' LOCATION, 5 weeks FROM dual UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'Information Technology' prog_name, 'Peng, Bo' st_name, 3 loan, 'Warner Hall, 1304' LOCATION, 1 weeks FROM dual UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'Information Technology' prog_name, 'Peng, Bo' st_name, 15 loan, 'Warner Hall, 1304' LOCATION, NULL weeks FROM dual UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'Information Technology' prog_name, 'Wu, Shinyu' st_name, 2 loan, 'Tepper Quad' LOCATION, 4 weeks FROM dual UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'Information Technology' prog_name, 'Wu, Shinyu' st_name, 5 loan, 'Tepper Quad' LOCATION, 0 weeks FROM dual UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'Information Technology' prog_name, 'Yin, Abby' st_name, 9 loan, 'Tepper Quad' LOCATION, 1 weeks FROM dual)
    SELECT prog_name,
           sum(loan) loan,
           sum(weeks) weeks
    FROM   your_results
    GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((prog_name, st_name, loan, location, weeks), (prog_name), ())
    ORDER BY prog_name, st_name, weeks;
    PROG_NAME              ST_NAME             LOAN LOCATION                  WEEKS
    ---------------------- ------------- ---------- -------------------- ----------
    Information System     Jiang, Yaohan         10 Cyert Hall, 0701              0
    Information System     Jiang, Yaohan         12 Cyert Hall, 0701              2
    Information System     Jiang, Yaohan         13 Cyert Hall, 0701              6
    Information System     Jiang, Yaohan         14 Tepper Quad, 1009             7
    Information System     Jiang, Yaohan         16 Warner Hall, 1304             7
    Information System     Xiao, Shan             7 Cyert Hall, 0701              9
    Information System     Xu, Sheng              6 Porter Hall, 1004             9
    Information System     Xu, Sheng              1 Baker Building, 1101         11
    Information System                           79                              51
    Information Technology Ouyang, Hsuan          4 Baker Building, 1101          1
    Information Technology Ouyang, Hsuan          8 Tepper Quad, 1009             5
    Information Technology Peng, Bo               3 Warner Hall, 1304             1
    Information Technology Peng, Bo              15 Warner Hall, 1304    
    Information Technology Wu, Shinyu             5 Tepper Quad, 1009             0
    Information Technology Wu, Shinyu             2 Tepper Quad, 1009             4
    Information Technology Yin, Abby              9 Tepper Quad, 1009             1
    Information Technology                       46                              12
                                                125                              63

    (You would replace the your_results subquery with the query that returns the data you're trying to group against.)

    This has the advantage of not requiring SQL*Plus features (break, compute).

    If you still only want to output the prog_name for the first row without using SQL*Plus features, you would do:

    SELECT CASE WHEN rn = 1 THEN pn END prog_name,
    FROM   (SELECT prog_name pn,
                   sum(loan) loan,
                   sum(weeks) weeks,
                   row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY prog_name ORDER BY st_name, weeks, LOCATION) rn
            FROM   your_results
            GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((prog_name, st_name, loan, location, weeks), (prog_name), ()))
    ORDER BY pn, st_name, weeks, LOCATION;