I want to record midi audio using AudioKit. I managed to do it but when I replay the recorded notes, there are delays and the timing of the notes is not always the good one, especially when I play fast during the recording.
Here is how i did it : I have three buttons, one for Do (Midi number 60), one for Re (midi number 62), one for Mi (64). When a button is pushed down i send a noteOn, and I save the time in a 88 table of Floats. When the button is pushed up, I send a noteOff event, and I save the note in the midi file. I can deduce the length of the note to save, by doing (timeNoteOff-timeNoteOn).
Here is some of my code :
var sequencer : AKSequencer = AKSequencer()
var track = AKMusicTrack()
var lastNoteOn:[AKDuration] = Array(repeating: AKDuration(seconds: 0), count: 88)
var sampler : AKAppleSampler = AKAppleSampler()
@IBAction func startRecordClick(_ sender: Any) {
@IBAction func stopRecordClick(_ sender: Any) {
@IBAction func playClick(_ sender: Any) {
let list = sequencer.tracks[0].getMIDINoteData()
@IBAction func doClick(_ sender: Any) {
jouerDown(a:144, b:60, c:80) // 60 means midi number 60, ie C4
@IBAction func doUp(_ sender: Any) {
jouerUp(a:144, b:60, c:80)
override func viewDidLoad() {
sampler.loadMelodicSoundFont("TimGM6mb", preset: 0)
} catch {
print("couldn't load sf2 file")
AudioKit.output = sampler
let callbackInstr = AKMIDICallbackInstrument()
callbackInstr.callback = myCallBack
track = sequencer.newTrack()!
try! AudioKit.start()
func jouerDown(a:UInt8, b:MIDINoteNumber, c:MIDIVelocity){
lastNoteOn[Int(b)] = sequencer.currentPosition
try! sampler.play(noteNumber: b,velocity: c,channel: 0)
func jouerUp(a:UInt8, b:MIDINoteNumber, c:MIDIVelocity){
let x = sequencer.currentPosition
try! sampler.stop(noteNumber: b, channel: 0)
track.add(noteNumber: b, velocity: c, position: x, duration: x - lastNoteOn[Int(b)] , channel: 0)
func myCallBack(a:UInt8, b:MIDINoteNumber, c:MIDIVelocity) {
case 144, 157:
try! sampler.play(noteNumber: b,velocity: c,channel: 0)
print("\(a) \(b)")
try! sampler.stop(noteNumber: b, channel: 0)
Here is my swift project on this dropbox for you to test and modify : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vnn7soa8aq0180z/AAAzs9PDzND3KPjFIhVobLMya?dl=0
Is there a way to avoid the non-respect of the timing in the resulting recording ? For example by using a more custom technique from AudioKit, instead of modifying the track by hand at each note event ?
Error in adding notes in jouerUp
method. You should write in lastNoteOn
position, not in currentPosition
of the sequencer:
track.add(noteNumber: b, velocity: c, position: lastNoteOn[Int(b)], duration: x - lastNoteOn[Int(b)] , channel: 0)