For some reasons, I want to convert strings which contain
<p style=“text-align:center; others-style:value;”>Content</p>
to <center>Content</center>
in PHP.
The text-align values can be either left, right, or center. And when there are other stylings, I want to omit them.
How can I do that in PHP?
Maybe I was not clear enough in my original question. What I mean is that I want to convert contents with text-align:center
to be wrapped by <center>
, and contents with text-align:right
to be wrapped by <right>
. And when there is no text-align styling, I do not need any wrapping for that div. Thank you.
You might use a preg_replace
to do so:
$test = preg_replace('/(<.*”>)(.*)(<\/.*)/s', '<center>$2</center>', '<p style=“text-align:center; others-style:value;”>Content</p>');
It would return:
string(24) "<center>Content</center>"
The RegEx divides your inputs into three capturing groups, where the first and third groups can be assigned to open/close p
You can further expand it, if you wish, with this RegEx for any other tags/quotations/contents that you may want. It would divide any tags with any quotations (" or ” or ' or ’) into five groups where the fourth group ($4) is your target content. This type of RegEx may be usually useful for single occurrence non-looping strings, since it uses (.*)
$test = preg_replace('/<(.*)(\"|\”|\'|\’)>(.*)(<\/.*)/s', '<center>$4</center>', '<p style=“text-align:center; others-style:value;”>Content</p>');
If you may wish to get any specific attributes in style, this RegEx might help:
$tags = [
'0' => '<p style=“text-align:center; others-style:value;”>Content</p>',
'1' => '<div style=‘text-align:left; others-style:value;’ class=‘any class’>Any Content That You Wish</div>',
'2' => '<span style=\'text-align:right; others-style:value;\' class=\'any class\'>Any Content That You Wish</span>',
'3' => '<h1 style=“text-align:justify; others-style:value;” class="any class">Any Content That You Wish</h1>',
'4' => '<h2 style=“text-align:inherit; others-style:value;” class=“any class">Any Content That You Wish</h2>',
'5' => '<h3 style=“text-align:none; others-style:value;” class=“any class">Any Content That You Wish</h3>',
'6' => '<h4 style=“others-style:value;” class=“any class">Any Content That You Wish</h4>',
$RegEx = '/<(.*)(text-align:)(.*)(center|left|right|justify|inherit|none)(.*)(\"|\”|\'|\’)>(.*)(<\/.*)/s';
foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) {
preg_match_all($RegEx, $tag, $matches);
foreach ($matches as $key1 => $match) {
if (sizeof($match[0]) > 0) {
$tags[$key] = preg_replace($RegEx, '<$4>$7</$4>', $tag);
It would return:
array(7) {
string(24) "<center>Content</center>"
string(38) "<left>Any Content That You Wish</left>"
string(40) "<right>Any Content That You Wish</right>"
string(44) "<justify>Any Content That You Wish</justify>"
string(44) "<inherit>Any Content That You Wish</inherit>"
string(38) "<none>Any Content That You Wish</none>"
string(86) "<h4 style=“others-style:value;” class=“any class">Any Content That You Wish</h4>"