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Groovy script issue with escaping quotes

I'm running this shell command using groovy (which worked in bash):

aws --profile profileName --region us-east-1 dynamodb update-item --table-name tableName --key '{"group_name": {"S": "group_1"}}' --attribute-updates '{"attr1": {"Value": {"S": "STOP"},"Action": "PUT"}}'

This updates the value of an item to STOP in DynamoDB. In my groovy script, I'm running this command like so:

String command = "aws --profile profileName --region us-east-1 dynamodb update-item --table-name tableName --key '{\"group_name\": {\"S\": \"group_1\"}}' --attribute-updates '{\"attr1\": {\"Value\": {\"S\": \"STOP\"},\"Action\": \"PUT\"}}'"

When I run this with groovy afile.groovy, nothing is printed out and when I check the table in DynamoDB, it's not updated to STOP. There is something wrong with the way I'm escaping the quotes but I'm not sure what. Would appreciate any insights.

Sidenote: When I do a simple aws command like aws s3 ls it works and prints out the results so it's something with this particular command that is throwing it off.


  • You don't quote for groovy (and the underlying exec) -- you would have to quote for your shell. The execute() on a String does not work like a shell - the underlyting code just splits at whitespace - any quotes are just passed down as part of the argument.

    Use ["aws", "--profile", profile, ..., "--key", '{"group_name": ...', ...].execute() and ignore any quoting.

    And instead of banging strings together to generate JSON, use groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson([group_name: [S: "group_1"]])