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Is it possible to send some variable to the blade view in an addColumn ()?

My question is simple if there is any possibility of sending a variable to the blade view through the addColumn() function of the yajra library for datatables, something similar to compact()

Example code:

return datatables()

I'm looking for something like this:

$data = 'foobar';
return datatables()
  ->addColumn('Action','Actions.something', compact('data'))

Then in my blade view do something similar to this:

@if($data == 'foobar')


  • I found a solution, also thanks to the one who took the trouble to read the question


    $data = 'foobar';
    return datatables()
           ->addColumn('Action', function() use ($data){
               return view('Actions.something', compact('data'));

    View (something.blade.php):

    @if (isset($data))  
        @if($data == 'foobar')