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Power BI while loop

I'm trying to do a while loop in Power BI M language. But all of the logic are all over my head!

How would you translate a very simple loop like this into M language?

while X == True: do abcdef if Y == True: end

Thanks very much!


  • Loops in M are probably best handled with the List.Generate function.

    This article does a pretty good job at explaining how it works:

    Using this function, let's look at a more specific implementation of a while loop, say to find Fibonacci numbers less than 1000.

    a = 1
    b = 1
    while b < 1000
        b = a + b
        a = b - a

    would translate to M something like this:

        data =
            () => [ a = 1, b = 1 ],
            each [b] < 1000,
            each [ b = [a] + [b], a = [b] ]
        output = Table.FromRecords(data)[a]
    in output

    I'm not sure the best way to handle your break condition Y. It might depend on the specific problem.