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iOS - How to understand and properly debug this type of crash :

I know this question has been already asked several times, but either it stayed unanswered or the answer was totally not helping.

Here is my crash report :

enter image description here

This question and especially the comments helped me understand (kind of) my issue.

It seems from your crash log, this is the thread request which might be over committed due to which it exist as it cannot take any more request.

If I understand it correctly, it may be possible that the thread handling requests might not be able to handle more requests ?

How do I debug and test this ? I am unable to reproduce the crash.

NB: In my launcher service I am doing 5 or 6 requests each one separated in a dispatchGroup.enter / .leave when finished, like this :

self.fetchObservationForecast(lat: lat, lon: lon) { result in
     switch result {
     case .success(let observationForecast) :
          print("Observation Forecast request succeeded")
          model["observationForecast"] = observationForecast
     case .failure(let error) :
          print("Observation Forecast request failed : \(error)")
          model["observationForecast"] = error

Am I looking at the wrong place ? How can I test and reproduce it in order to submit a fix ?

Any help would be appreciated.


  • The crash is coming from something in the closures in the LauncherService methods indicated. The trace indicates that you're crashing on setting a Dictionary value.


    Mutable Swift Dictionaries are not thread-safe, and that fact along with the background.qos indictor make me think you're reading/writing a Dictionary on multiple threads.

    It's probably something like the model["observationForecast"] = code below doing that.

    self.fetchObservationForecast(lat: lat, lon: lon) { result in
         switch result {
         case .success(let observationForecast) :
              print("Observation Forecast request succeeded")
              model["observationForecast"] = observationForecast
         case .failure(let error) :
              print("Observation Forecast request failed : \(error)")
              model["observationForecast"] = error