I need to get text from a bunch of GtkEntries when a button click. I create a custom struct and pass it to the button's click callback. I don't want to use gtk_entry_get_text(*entry)
since I need to pass the struct of GtkEntries.
typedef struct{
const gchar* id1;
const gchar* id2;
} EntryData;
static void on_click(GtkWidget *widget,
gpointer data) {
EntryData* d= (EntryData*)data;
printf ("Entry contents: %s\n", d->id1);
printf ("Entry contents: %s\n", d->id2);
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
// ....
GtkButton *button_create_hp;
GtkEntry *entry_id1;
GtkEntry *entry_id2;
gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
//...... widget and object initialization
gchar *strval1="sl";
gchar *strval2="sl";
g_object_get(G_OBJECT (entry_id1), "text", &strval1,NULL);
g_object_get(G_OBJECT (entry_id2), "text", &strval2,NULL);
EntryData entryData={
.id1= strval1,
.id2= strval2
g_signal_connect (button_create_hp, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(on_click),&entryData);
return 0;
I also tried with g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (entry_id), "text", &val);
In both cases changed values not printed when the button clicked. Can you suggest a proper way to get values and pass it from GtkEntries
It's not very obvious from the docs, but when you somehow modify text it may be moved to another location, making previous pointer invalid.
If you don't want to pass GtkEntries to your structures, you can update pointers when EntryBuffer
emits "deleted-text"
or "inserted-text"
(or connect to GtkEntry's "notify::text"