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A for loop for multiple likert graphs returns NOTHING

I set up a large amount of likert and other graphs to evaluate the total results of my questionnaire.

Now I would like to do the same thing by a grouping variable "group"

I set up all of my likert items and their definitions (my data is in a god-awful format, so I had to reformat it with R). The idea for the code is the following: 1. group and rename the questions according to the likert () functions needs 2. have R split the dataframe according to 11 groups 3. plot a likert graph for each of these groups

Now this should be the solution (it worked for the barplots but for some reason is not working for the likert plots):

for(i in 1:11)
plot(likert(x[1:9]),low.color="red3", high.color="forestgreen",, plot.percents=T,ordered=T, 
 legend= paste("F5","Gruppe",i), 

when I run this code exactly NOTHING happens. No likert graphs are plotted, no error messages etc.

EXAMPLE DATA so everyone can join the fun:

 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 group
1   1  5  5  1  2  4  4 -9  5     1
2   2  4  5  1  2  4  4  1  5     1
3   3  3  5  1  2  4  3  1  3     1
4   1  5  5  1  2  4  4 -9  5     1
5   2  4  5  1  2  4  4  1  5     2
6   1  5  5  1  2  4  4 -9  5     2
7   2  4  5  1  2  4  4  1  5     2
8   3  3  5  1  2  4  3  1  3     3
9   4  5  5  1  2  4 -9  1  3     3
10  5  5 -9  1  3  4  4  2 -9     3
11  3  3  5  1  2  4  3  1  3     3
12  4  5  5  1  2  4 -9  1  3     4
13  5  5 -9  1  3  4  4  2 -9     3
14  5  5 -9  1  3  4  4  2 -9     3
15  3  3  5  1  2  4  3  1  3     4
16  1  5  5  1  2  4  4 -9  5     4
17  2  4  5  1  2  4  4  1  5     4
18  1  5  5  1  2  4  4 -9  5     4
19  2  4  5  1  2  4  4  1  5     4
20  3  3  5  1  2  4  3  1  3     4
  1. Change data from numeric to likert-style items of agreement

    DATA[,1:9][DATA[,1:9]==1]<-"strongly agree"
    DATA[,1:9][DATA[,1:9]==5]<-"strongly disagree"
  2. Set agreement scale

    agr<-c("stronlgy agree", "agree", "unsure", "disagree", "strongly disagree")
  3. Define each as ordered factors to the previously defined scale

    DATA[,1]=factor(DATA[,1], levels=agr, ordered=TRUE)
    DATA[,2]=factor(DATA[,2], levels=agr, ordered=TRUE)
    DATA[,3]=factor(DATA[,3], levels=agr, ordered=TRUE)
    DATA[,4]=factor(DATA[,4], levels=agr, ordered=TRUE)
    DATA[,5]=factor(DATA[,5], levels=agr, ordered=TRUE)
    DATA[,6]=factor(DATA[,6], levels=agr, ordered=TRUE)
    DATA[,7]=factor(DATA[,7], levels=agr, ordered=TRUE)
    DATA[,8]=factor(DATA[,8], levels=agr, ordered=TRUE)
    DATA[,9]=factor(DATA[,9], levels=agr, ordered=TRUE)
  4. set title to sth funny

    title.DATA<-"This message will not show up because R is stupid."

  5. program a loop and watch R do NOTHING

    for(i in 1:11) { x<-DATA[which(DATA$group==i),] plot(likert(x[1:9]),low.color="red3", high.color="forestgreen",, plot.percents=T,ordered=T, legend= paste("DATA","Gruppe",i), legend.position="bottom", plot.percent.low=F,plot.percent.high=F)+ylab(ylab)+ggtitle(title.DATA) }


  • It works for me like that. I came across this problem myself recently. graphics plots print automatically in loops, grid plots don't. For them you have to add print.

    for(i in 1:4) { x<-DATA[which(DATA$group==i),] 
    lp <- plot(likert(x[1:9]),low.color="red3", 
    plot.percents=T,ordered=T, legend= paste("DATA","Gruppe", i), 
    legend.position="bottom", plot.percent.low=F,plot.percent.high=F) +
      ylab("ylab") +
      ggtitle("This message will not show up because R is stupid.")