I am Stripe for storing Funds and transfer funds to sellers using Stripe Connect
My problem is , when I tried to transfer a fund from my Stripe account to a connected account (fund is in test mode) , I am getting following error
curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/transfers -u sk_test_gjcwEVcKNBSBPQZxk9GdgwkX: -d amount=100 -d currency=gbp -d destination=acct_1EMBnXEZ0uftLeW4 -d transfer_group=ORDER_95
"error": {
"code": "balance_insufficient",
"doc_url": "https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/balance-insufficient",
"message": "You have insufficient funds in your Stripe account. One likely reason you have insufficient funds is that your funds are automatically being paid out; try enabling manual payouts by going to https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/payouts.",
"type": "invalid_request_error"
My works ::
So tried to the solutions I found in stackoverflow . I added amount in both GBP aand USD in TEST mode
After adding TEST amount , still I am getting same error. I also tried USD
Please help me to resolve the issue .
When you make a charge on your Stripe account, those funds go to your account's pending
balance. They then become available
some time later depending on your account's payout schedule. If you're using the default settings of daily automatic payouts, when they become available, they are immediately included in
a payout to your bank account. If you want to instead accumulate an available
balance over time, you need to set your account to manual payouts.
You can check your balances via the API.
The reason this is relevant is that transfers via /v1/transfers
can only succeed if you have sufficient available
balance for the transfer amount. There are a few ways to manage this :
sufficient balance.source_transaction
field. This way the transfer API request succeeds immediately and the funds automatically move when they're available. This would be the preferred option.