I am using ngx-bootstrap popover. I want the popover should open on hover, and all opened ones should be closed if new one is opened.
As per requirement I want above sample should controlled by parent component and target popover lies in child component. I need this for modularity requirement
Demo ngFor in child component html this is wrong demo
Updated demo ngFor in parent component html
parent component
export class DemoPopoverFourDirectionsComponent implements
@ViewChildren(PopoverDirective) popovers: QueryList<PopoverDirective>;
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.popovers.forEach((popover: PopoverDirective) => {
popover.onShown.subscribe(() => {
.filter(p => p !== popover)
.forEach(p => p.hide());
In popover there are buttons which need to be clicked. If I use triggers="mouseenter:mouseleave" I cannot click buttons inside the popover