I extended Observable of RxSwift and I am using it with Moya so I wrote it out like this
/// JSON map to object
/// - returns: Observable<T>
func jsonMapObject<T: EVReflectable>(type: T.Type, forKeyPath: String? = nil) -> Observable<Result<T, ORMError>> {
return self.map { rawResult in
guard let result = rawResult as? Result<JSON, ORMError> else {
return .failure(ORMError.ORMParseJSONError)
switch result {
case let .success(json):
guard json != JSON.null,
let dict = json.dictionaryObject else {
return .failure(ORMError.ORMParseJSONError)
guard let object: T = self.dictMap(from: dict) as T else {
return .failure(ORMError.ORMCouldNotMakeObjectError)
return .success(object)
case let .failure(error):
return .failure(error)
after writing this code as such, I get an error in the editor saying
Instance method 'dictMap(from:forKeyPath:)' requires that 'NSObject' conform to 'EVReflectable'
I do not know how to proceed again as this error does not go away
my dictMap is written as
Create the object from the dictionary
internal func dictMap<T: NSObject>(from: NSDictionary?, forKeyPath: String? = nil) -> T where T: EVReflectable{
let instance: T = T()
let parsedObject: T = ((instance.getSpecificType(from ?? NSDictionary()) as? T) ?? instance)
let _ = EVReflection.setPropertiesfromDictionary(from ?? NSDictionary(), anyObject: parsedObject, forKeyPath: forKeyPath)
// if self.statusCode > 300 {
// instance.addStatusMessage(DeserializationStatus.Custom, message: "HTTP status code: \(self.statusCode)")
// }
return parsedObject
Your function func dictMap<T: NSObject>(from: NSDictionary?, forKeyPath: String? = nil) -> T where T: EVReflectable
Requires T to be an NSObject and conform to EVReflectable. In order to do that, NSObject must conform to EVReflectable.
You likely just need to remove : NSObject>
from the above:
func dictMap<T>(from: NSDictionary?, forKeyPath: String? = nil) -> T where T: EVReflectable