I am trying to run the following python script: https://github.com/Jumperr-labs/python-gatt-server (gatt-server-example.py) which is a Bluetooth Low Energy server.
It works perfectly fine on my computer, but when I try to run it on an intel-edison I get the following error:
Failed to register advertisement: org.bluez.Error.NotPermitted: Maximum
advertisements reached
Python-dbus and Bluez are installed on this device (Bluez v5.50). I am looking for a way to clean registered advertisements if there are some and get to launch my server on this intel-edison.
If you run latest Yocto image from github.com/edison-fw and switch to the latest python3 example gatt server the server runs without error. Bluetoothctl show
shows that the Heart Rate service is automatically unregistered after killing the gatt server.