Darwin-via-Swift Neophyte here.
This is the continuation of: Intro to Process().
I'm trying to get my hand around the use of Swift as a means to automate Darwin-Level processes like cloning a git repository, tarring a folder, etc.
I was given a template to attempt to do a clone (via above link).
I've created a test link; and
tried it out at the Darwin prompt.
So I know it works.
But I'm getting the protocol error via my Swift script.
What's the remedy here?
Is there a particular protocol that I must use?
import Foundation
extension Process {
private static let gitExecURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/usr/bin/git")
public func clone(repo: String, path: String) throws {
executableURL = Process.gitExecURL
arguments = ["clone", repo, path]
try run()
let source = "git clone https://AmourineTech@bitbucket.org/AmourineTech/testbit.git"
let target = "/Users/Ric/workarea"
print("Hello, World!")
try! Process().clone(repo: source, path: target)
Console Output:
Hello, World!
Cloning into '/Users/Ric/workarea'...
fatal: protocol 'git clone https' is not supported
Program ended with exit code: 0
It seems source
must be an URL, not a git clone
let source = "https://AmourineTech@bitbucket.org/AmourineTech/testbit.git"