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Converting docx to Base64 using contentResolver gives unreadable format on Android

I have a file test.docx containing 1 word "Testing". This file is on my dropbox folder and I open this from within the App using contentResolver.

enter image description here


            val inputStream = context.contentResolver.openInputStream(uri)
            val allText = inputStream.bufferedReader().use(BufferedReader::readText)
            base64Image = Base64.encodeToString(allText.toByteArray(), Base64.NO_WRAP)

the allText gives back some data but when putting this in textfile and saving it as .docx I cannot view it, it's broken. I think I should add a Charset to the bufferedReader method. Tried a couple but none of them work.

What should be the correct code for this?


  • DOCX is not plain text. It is a binary format. Use readBytes() to read in the bytes:

    val bytes = context.contentResolver.openInputStream(uri).readBytes()

    Bear in mind that your app will crash with an OutOfMemoryError for large content. Please reconsider your plan to read in the entire content, let alone convert it to base64.