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Memory-block analysis - 3d program terminated unexpectedly

I try to put a mesh into virtual reality.

What I try to use is this command: CreateObjectFromMeshMemblock

The Data I insert is this data:

Byte No  Value
0        3     vertice count (aka first)
1        0     vertice count
2        0     vertice count
3        0     vertice count
4        3     indices count (aka second)
5        0     indices count
6        0     indices count
7        0     indices count
8        2     attr count    (aka third)
9        0     attr count
10       0     attr count
11       0     attr count
12       20    vertex size (aka fourth)
13       0     vertex size (20 because x+y+z + uvx+uvy = 5 * 4bytes = 20)
14       0     vertex size
15       0     vertex size
16       48    vertex-data offset (aka fifth)
17       0     vertex-data offset
18       0     vertex-data offset
19       0     vertex-data offset
20       108   indices-data offset (aka sixth)
21       0     indices-data offset
22       0     indices-data offset
23       0     indices-data offset
-- header success, starting vertex attribute data --
24       0     data type
25       3     cmp count
26       0     normalize flag
27       12    string length
28       112   p
29       111   o
30       115   s
31       105   i
32       116   t
33       105   i
34       111   o
35       110   n
36       0     \0
37       0     \0
38       0     \0
39       0     \0
40       1     data type
41       2     cmp count
42       0     normalize flag
43       4     string length
44       117   u 
45       118   v
46       0     \0
47       0     \0
-- offset vertex data --
48       0
49       0
50       183
51       66

52       0
53       0
54       183
55       66

56       0
57       0
58       183
59       66

60       0
61       0
62       0
63       0

64       0
65       0
66       0
67       0
 -- next vertex --
68       0
69       0
70       183
71       189

72       0
73       0
74       183
75       66

76       0
77       0
78       183
79       66

80       0
81       0
82       0
83       0

84       0
85       0
86       0
87       0
-- next vertex --
88       0
89       0
90       183
91       189

92       0
93       0
94       183
95       189

96       0
97       0
98       183
99       66

100      0
101      0
102      0
103      0

104      0
105      0
106      0 
107      0 
            -- now starting indices --
108      0 first index 
109      0 first index 
110      0 first index
111      0 first index
112      1 second index
113      0 second index
114      0 second index
115      0 second index 
116      2 third index
117      0 third index
118      0 third index
119      0 third index

Unfortuantely the program killing with errorcode 1 executing the command.

Any idea why?


  • By analyzing your data it seems you're doing:

    SetMemblockInt(memblock,0,3) //3 vertices
    SetMemblockInt(memblock,4,3) //3 indices
    SetMemblockint(memblock,8,2) //2 attributes, pos+uv
    SetMemblockInt(memblock,12,20) // number bytes per vertex
    SetMemblockInt(memblock,16,48) // vertex-data offset
    SetMemblockInt(memblock,20,108) // indices-data offset

    to setup your header, then:

    SetMemBlockInt(memblock,24,0x0C000300) // float, 3 components, no normalizing, position
    SetMemBlockInt(memblock,40,0x04000201) // unsigned byte, 2 components, no normalizing, uv

    to setup your attribute information and finally dumping both the vertex/index data, where you use offsets 48, 108. It seems the offsets of the whole dump are correct (if I'm my reviewing didn't miss anything) so I'm going to guess here:

    • You're using unsigned byte as datatype for the uv coordinates instead float, maybe that's a mistake?
    • The positions of your vertices are really suspicious and maybe your for loop is using wrong offsets/memory locations?

    This is just guessing and by looking just at the memory dump isn't easy to find the bug, maybe if you posted the actual code I could make better assumptions

    EDIT: It seems you're enforced to use the correct datatypes for the vertex attributes, a good hint is by considering the return types of the Mesh getters, ie:

    float GetMeshMemblockVertexNormalX( memID, vertexIndex )
    float GetMeshMemblockVertexNormalY( memID, vertexIndex )
    float GetMeshMemblockVertexNormalZ( memID, vertexIndex )
    float GetMeshMemblockVertexU( memID, vertexIndex )
    float GetMeshMemblockVertexV( memID, vertexIndex )
    float GetMeshMemblockVertexX( memID, vertexIndex )
    float GetMeshMemblockVertexY( memID, vertexIndex )
    float GetMeshMemblockVertexZ( memID, vertexIndex )
    integer GetMeshMemblockVertexAlpha( memID, vertexIndex )
    integer GetMeshMemblockVertexBlue( memID, vertexIndex )
    integer GetMeshMemblockVertexGreen( memID, vertexIndex )
    integer GetMeshMemblockVertexRed( memID, vertexIndex )

    Also, make sure you use the Error functions to know more about the type of errors you're getting