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Does the :any flag overwrites the :on (context) flag in acts_as_taggable_on's tagged_with?

I'm confused with how the flags :on and :any works together in the "tagged_with" method of acts_as_taggable_on.

For example, if I have the following users @user1 and @user2:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
      acts_as_taggable_on :skills, :interests

@user1 = => "Bobby")
@user1.interest_list = "1, 15"     
@user1.skill_list = "2, 17"

@user2 = => "Al")
@user2.interest_list = "3, 10"     
@user2.skill_list = "4, 6"

When I want to get all users who's interest-list include any of the tag ["2", "50"], i tried this:

User.tagged_with(["2", "50"], :on => :interests, :any => true)

The problem is I get back @user1 (which has "2" in the skill_list, not interest_list), even though I was expecting none. It seems that the flag :any might have overwritten the flag :on. Is there a way to actually perform the filter I described above?

Also, a side question is, how do you find all the flags available to a method? For example, tagged_with has :on, :any, :match_all, ..., how do i list all of them ?

Thanks for your help, everyone!


  • All right, I found the where the problem is. Thanks to aurelian for pointing me to the source of acts_as_taggable_on. It turned out that the fix for :any overwriting :on issue was fixed as of March 18 on github master. And the gem from doesn't include this fix yet.

    So instead of building my app from using: gem 'acts_as_taggable_on'

    I just point it straight to the git source:
    gem 'acts_as_taggable_on', :git => 'git://'