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Generate bar chart using chart.js and associative array

I have associative array and I want to display it using Chart.JS library.

My Array:

array:4 [▼
  0 => array:3 [▼
    "faculty" => "Information Technology"
    "category" => "ELearning"
    "counter" => 2
  1 => array:3 [▼
    "faculty" => "Information Technology"
    "category" => "Webex"
    "counter" => 2
  2 => array:3 [▼
    "faculty" => "Masscom"
    "category" => "ELearning"
    "counter" => 3
  3 => array:3 [▼
    "faculty" => "Masscom"
    "category" => "Webex"
    "counter" => 3

What I am trying to do:

I am trying to show: - Faculties at the bottom as labels - For each faculty I want to show all the category and its counter


1) Information Technology has category ELearning with value 2 and has category Webex with value 2

2) Masscom has category ELearning with value 3 and has category Webex with value 3

JS Code:

var faculties = ['Information Technology', 'Masscom'];
var f = document.getElementById("mybarChart");
new Chart(f, {
    type: "bar",
    data: {
       labels: faculties,
       datasets: ....


  • Essentially, you will need a data set for each of your categories. Each data set will need a data entry for each faculty.

    Using the code below, you will get a chart that looks like this:

    chart from JS fiddle code

    // this will get distinct faculty and sort
    const faculties = [ Set( => v['faculty']))].sort();
    // this will get distinct category and sort
    const categories = [ Set( => v['category']))].sort();
    const datasets = => ({
      label: category,
      data: => {
        const value = data.find(v => v['faculty'] === faculty && v['category'] === category);
        return value['counter'];
    const canvas = document.getElementById('mybarChart');
    new Chart(canvas, {
      type: 'bar',
      data: {
        labels: faculties,
        datasets: datasets

    I created a jsfiddle to show the code running.