I am using an installed edit trigger of Google Sheets to create Google Tasks. However, when a row containing a task that has already been created as a Task is edited, a duplicate Task is created for the same day.
I'd like to find all the Tasks in a given list with a particular due date. Then I will be able to check their titles, to compare with the title of the task that would be created, so the script may decide if it should create a new task or update the existing one.
Here's my current triggered code:
function addTask(event){
if (spreadsheet.getActiveSheet().getName() === "Task List") {
var RowNum = event.range.getRow();
var taskproperties = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet().getRange(RowNum, 1, 1, 5).getValues();
var Title = taskproperties[0][1];
var Frequency = taskproperties[0][2];
var StartDate = taskproperties[0][3];
var Recurrence = taskproperties[0][4];
if (Title.trim().length !== 0 && Frequency.trim().length !== 0 &&
StartDate.toString().trim().length !== 0 && Recurrence.toString().trim().length !== 0)
//Code to Create a new task
//Code Get the task date
//Some codes to set Date parameters for use in script functions
//Some codes to set Date parameters for use in sheet functions
//Set the task parameters
//add task to list
//Assign a cell in the spreadsheet for calculation of new dates for recurring task
var tempdatecell= spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Task List").getRange("F1")
//Insert new tasks based on the number of recurrence
for (i = 1; i < Recurrence; i++) {
//Insert a formula in a cell the spreadsheet to calculate the new task date
tempdatecell.setFormula('=WORKDAY.INTL("' + shTaskStartDate + '",' + i + '*VLOOKUP("' + Frequency + '",tasktype,2,false),"1000011")')
//Get task date from the cell
TaskDate = tempdatecell.getValue()
//Date parameters for use in script functions
var TaskDate = new Date(TaskDate);
var taskmonth = Number(TaskDate.getMonth())
var taskDay = TaskDate.getDate() + 1
var taskyear = TaskDate.getYear()
//Create a new task
var task = Tasks.newTask();
//Set the task parameters
task.title = Title;
task.due = new Date(taskyear, taskmonth, taskDay).toISOString()
//add task to list
task = Tasks.Tasks.insert(task, tasklistID);
I have managed to find a work around which involves filtering the entire tasklist. It seems to work find with the few task that I have now. I am not sure how it will perform with a large volume of tasks. Any further contribution welcomes.
The code that I am using in the work around is as follows and replaces the line below //Create a new task in my original code:-
//Check if the task exist for the task date
var listoftasks = Tasks.Tasks.list(tasklistID)
var filtermonth="0" + shTaskStartMonth
var filterdate=scTaskStartYear + "-" + filtermonth.substr(filtermonth.length-2) + "-" + shTaskStartDay + "T00:00:00.000Z"
var filteredtask=listoftasks["items"].filter(function(item){
return item["due"]== filterdate && item["title"]===Title
//Create a new task
var task = Tasks.newTask()
//Set the task parameters
task.title = Title;
task.due=new Date(scTaskStartYear,scTaskStartMonth,scTaskStartDay).toISOString()
//add task to list
task = Tasks.Tasks.insert(task, tasklistID)
//Get the existing task
task = Tasks.Tasks.get(tasklistID, filteredtask[0].id)
NB:- The setStatus does not work as expected but I will post a separate question for that.