Trying to add geom_points to an autolayer() line ("fitted" in pic), which is a wrapper part of autoplot() for ggplot2 in Rob Hyndmans forecast package (there's a base autoplot/autolayer in ggplot2 too so same likely applies there).
Problem is (I'm no ggplot2 expert, and autoplot wrapper makes it trickier) the geom_point() applies fine to the main call, but how do I apply similar to the autolayer (fitted values)?
Tried type="b" like normal geom_line() but it's not an object param in autolayer().
require(fpp2) <- ets(mdeaths, model="ANN", alpha=0.4) <- forecast(, h=5)
forecast::autoplot(mdeaths) +
forecast::autolayer($fitted, series="Fitted") + # cannot set to show points, and type="b" not allowed
geom_point() # this works fine against the main autoplot call
This seems to work:
library(fpp2) <- ets(mdeaths, model="ANN", alpha=0.4) <- forecast(, h=5)
# Pre-compute the fitted layer so we can extract the data out of it with
# layer_data()
fitted_layer <- forecast::autolayer($fitted, series="Fitted")
fitted_values <- fitted_layer$layer_data()
plt <- forecast::autoplot(mdeaths) +
fitted_layer +
geom_point() +
geom_point(data = fitted_values, aes(x = timeVal, y = seriesVal))
There might be a way to make forecast::autolayer
do what you want directly but this solution works. If you want the legend to look right, you'll want to merge the input data and fitted values into a single data.frame