I want to make infinite read print cycle with exit when user enter "stop" and make readLn async.
import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO, IOApp, Timer}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.io.StdIn
import scala.language.postfixOps
import cats.implicits._
object ReadWrite extends IOApp {
val readLn: IO[String] = IO(StdIn.readLine())
val readWriteName: IO[Nothing] = for {
_ <- IO(println("write your name: "))
name <- readLn
_ <- IO(println(s"Hello, $name"))
t <- name match {
case "stop" => ???
case _ => readWriteName
} yield t
def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =
for {
_ <- (Timer[IO].sleep(1 millisecond) *> readWriteName).start
_ <- Timer[IO].sleep(100 second)
} yield ExitCode.Success
I tried to use IO(println(s"Buy Buy"))
but there is error message:
Error:(20, 11) type mismatch;
found : t.type (with underlying type Unit)
required: Nothing
} yield t
How to make exit without error?
Also I want to execute IO in another thread, readLn
for example.
Change type of readWriteName
to IO[Unit]
val readWriteName: IO[Unit] = for {
_ <- IO(println("write your name: "))
name <- readLn
_ <- IO(println(s"Hello, $name"))
t <- name match {
case "stop" => IO(println(s"Buy Buy"))
case _ => readWriteName
} yield t
Regarding threads look at Cats-effect and asynchronous IO specifics
val readWriteName: IO[String] = for {
_ <- IO(println("write your name: "))
name <- readLn
_ <- IO(println(s"Hello, $name"))
_ <- name match {
case "stop" => IO(println(s"Buy Buy"))
case _ => readWriteName
} yield name