I am trying to iterate over a vector of pairs and access first and second elements.
I cannot use auto, so I need to use the iterator.
for (list<string>::const_iterator it = dest.begin(); it != dest.end(); ++it)
for (vector< pair < string, string > >::iterator it2 = class1.begin(); it2 = class1.end(); ++it2)
if (it == it2.first)
cout << it2.second;
I keep getting errors:
Has no member named first.
I have tried: it2->first, it2.first and (*it2).first.
Why is it not working?
You are trying to compare an iterator to a string. This isn't only about the syntax to dereference it2
, you also have to dereference it
. The proper syntax is
if (*it == it2->first)
By the way you've made a typo, you've written it2 = class1.end()
instead of it2 != class1.end()