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Why do I get a KeyError when attempting to draw a scatterplot?

I am trying to make a simple scatterplot and get a KeyError.

I have tried to see if it is a matter of the feature "group" that contains the four classes, but it is not so I am not sure what is the issue here.

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris

iris = load_iris()
iris_nparray =
iris_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(, columns=iris.feature_names)
iris_dataframe["group"] = pd.Series([iris.target_names[k] for k in], dtype = "category")

colors_palete = {0:"red", 1:"yellow", 2:"blue"}
colors = [colors_palete[c] for c in iris_dataframe["group"]]
simple_scatterplot = iris_dataframe.plot(kind = "scatter",x="petal length (cm)", y="petal width (cm)", c =colors)


A nice colorful scatterplot

Actual result:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-128-818f07044064> in <module>
      1 colors_palete = {0:"red", 1:"yellow", 2:"blue"}
----> 2 colors = [colors_palete[c] for c in iris_dataframe["group"]]
      3 simple_scatterplot = iris_dataframe.plot(kind = "scatter",x="petal length (cm)", y="petal width (cm)", c =colors)

<ipython-input-128-818f07044064> in <listcomp>(.0)
      1 colors_palete = {0:"red", 1:"yellow", 2:"blue"}
----> 2 colors = [colors_palete[c] for c in iris_dataframe["group"]]
      3 simple_scatterplot = iris_dataframe.plot(kind = "scatter",x="petal length (cm)", y="petal width (cm)", c =colors)

KeyError: 'setosa'```


  • The answer is simple: your colour mapping is wrongly defined.

    iris_dataframe["group"] contains ['setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica'].

    Accordingly, colors_palete (did you mean "palette"?) should be:

    colors_palete = {'setosa': "red", 'versicolor': "yellow", 'virginica': "blue"}