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Can you have multiple IN conditions in a PowerShell ForEach loop?

I have the following sample code in a function:

[array]$ARR = $null

foreach ($file in $fileTable.identical)
       'FileName' = $file.Name
       'AppName' = $file.App
       'GroupName' = $file.Group
       'Valid' = $true
   $ARR += $HT
foreach ($file in $fileTable.removed)
       'FileName' = $file.Name
       'AppName' = $file.App
       'GroupName' = $file.Group
       'Valid' = $false
   $ARR += $HT
foreach ($file in $fileTable.modified)
       'FileName' = $file.Name
       'AppName' = $file.App
       'GroupName' = $file.Group
       'Valid' = $false
   $ARR += $HT

return $ARR

+3 more foreach loops for other $fileTable.[properties] where 'Valid' = $false as well.

Instead of having to repeat the block of code multiple times, I want to do something like:

foreach (($file in $fileTable.removed) -and ($file in $fileTable.modified))
       'FileName' = $file.Name
       'AppName' = $file.App
       'GroupName' = $file.Group
       'Valid' = $false

So only variable different in the hashtable will be $value. $fileTable is a pscustomobject with a few custom properties like identical, modified, added, removed.

I know what I want is not possible in foreach loops but I'm looking for a similar solution to reduce the number of lines of code. Any help would be appreciated :)



  • Combining your and PetSerAls approaches.

    Edit: incorporated @mklement0s hint

    $ARR = foreach($Variant in 'identical', 'removed', 'modified'){
      $fileTable.$Variant | ForEach-Object{
          'FileName'  = $_.Name
          'AppName'   = $_.App
          'GroupName' = $_.Group
        # 'Valid'     = if($Variant -eq 'identical'){$True} else {$False}
          'Valid'     = $Variant -eq 'identical'