I want to write content to a file with python. The file's location is in the root directory path: /etc/hosts
Below are the file permissions
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root
I want to update this file, and it can be only updated with sudo. So I have written the following script:
path = "/etc/hosts"
fr = open(path,'r')
b = fr.read()
b = b+'something to write'
fw = open(path,'w')
fw = os.system('echo %s|sudo -S python %s' % ('root', fw.write(b)))
But I'm getting permission denied error:
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'/etc/hosts'
I also tried with subprocess:
os.popen("sudo -S %s"%(open(path,'w')), 'w').write(admin_password)
But this again did not work.
How do I resolve this?
Following solution worked for me finally. I created a new file called etcedit.py
which will write to the file.
os.system("echo %s| sudo -S python etcedit.py %s" % ('rootpassword', 'host_name'))
My etcedit.py file
import os, subprocess
import sys
from sys import argv
def etc_update(host_name, *args):
path = "/etc/hosts"
host_name = host_name[0]
fw = open(path,'w')
This works!