Its an application which asks a math problem and user inputs answer in a textbox as integers, and a button submitbtn
verifies if its right or wrong.
I binded a keyboard key f
to the function that runs on pressing button submitbtn
, which works fine, but the key f
gets added to the textbox after user's answer before it submits and gives it as a wrong answer.
Text Box
text_Input = StringVar
txtbox = Entry(font=('arial',20, BOLD), textvariable=text_Input)
txtbox.grid(columnspan = 2, row = 3, pady = 20)
Submit Button
submitbtn = Button(text="Submit", padx=10, pady=10, command=lambda:submit(txtbox.get(), y))
Submit Function
def submit(z, y):
global correct_answer, wrong_answer, submitbtn
if z==y:
game.bind('f', lambda event: submit(txtbox.get(), y))
#"game" is the name of Tk()
#submit is the function linked to submitbtn
#This works well if I bind it to <Return> (Enter Key)
Actual Output:
User enters: 13
Presses 'f' to submit answer
Answer processed: 13f
Is there a way to process textbox inputs in real-time to make sure every character entered is an integer? If user enters anything except 0-9, I want it to note nothing in the textbox.
Also, I disable the submitbtn
after it is pressed once, but pressing f repeatedly keep incrementing the correct_answer
variable. Is there a way to bind the key to the submitbtn
which in turn will call the function submit
, instead of directly linking the key f
to submit
For your first question, there are two ways to do it. Either you use the trace
method on your StringVar
, or use validcommand
on your entry. You can read up the details on how to use both methods here and here
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
# Use trace method on your StringVar
text_Input = tk.StringVar() # note that it is StringVar() with ()
txtbox = tk.Entry(font="Arial 20 bold",textvariable=text_Input)
txtbox.grid(columnspan = 2, row = 3, pady = 20)
def trace_method(*args):
if text_Input.get().isdigit():
# Use validatecommand attribute of entry widget
def onValidate(S):
if S.isdigit():
return True
return False
vcmd = (root.register(onValidate),"%S")
txtbox2 = tk.Entry(font="Arial 20 bold",validate="key",validatecommand=vcmd)
txtbox2.grid(columnspan = 2, row = 4, pady = 20)
For your second question, I can't fully understand what you are trying to achieve, but if the problem lies with the binding with key f, i suppose you can simply call game.unbind('f')
in your submit