I want to grab all items from a list in SharePoint, except for a very specific situation. Currently, I am grabbing everything with CAML Query, then removing them from list using LINQ WHERE statement. The Suspense field is a date being pulled from SharePoint (Basically an expiration date), and the Closure is a simple Text field that users add closing information to. If the suspense date/time is before the current date/time, and closure field has no input(null), I want them to be exluded from my query.
I couldn't get the results I want using pure CAML query, so I grabbed everything and then tried to filter it using LINQ after. CAML Query:
<View><Query><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='Suspense' /></OrderBy></Query></View>
LINQ (What I want to do in CAML Query):
.Where(x => !(x.Suspense < DateTime.Now && x.Closure != null))
I want to select all from sp-list where !(Suspense date is before the current date && Closure is not null)
My linq query is not taking the time into consideration, only the date. If I run the query, while having a task that with a suspense date of today, but a time from earlier today, it still shows in my results.
Full code block (My XML Is being stripped out.. but you can see the query above):
// get action items
var query = new CamlQuery() { ViewXml = "<View><Query><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='Suspense' /></OrderBy></Query></View>" };
var actionItems = actionsList.GetItems(query);
actions = actionItems.AsEnumerable()
.Select(x => new Models.Action()
Id = x.Id,
ItemNum = ListItemExt.GetInt32(x, "ID"),
WhoLead = ListItemExt.GetUser(x, "Who_x0020_L_x002d_Lead"),
WhoSupport = ListItemExt.GetUser(x, "Who_x0020_S_x002d_Spt"),
What = ListItemExt.GetString(x, "Title"),
Suspense = ListItemExt.GetDateTime(x, "Suspense"),
Closure = ListItemExt.GetString(x, "Closure")
}).Where(x => !(x.Suspense < DateTime.Now && x.Closure != null)).ToList();
lastModified = actionsList.LastItemModifiedDate;
return Json(new { Actions = actions, LastModified = lastModified}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
EDIT: I have found that my Suspense date is coming from Sharepoint in UTC Format, while my c# DateTime.Now is local. Could this cause the issue?
Sharepoint CSOM fields come over as UTC. I was using DateTime.Now
, switching to DateTime.UtcNow
fixed my issue. Thank you @Henk