I was given a code at school to modulate for a research project, but first I would like to run it as it is, unmodulated. Its written in Python, and I use PyCharm CE on Ubuntu 18.04 with Python 2.7 ... I've chosen the correct interpreter in the project settings (I think. The path is /usr/bin/python2.7) and I get this Error Message:
Error running 'project': Cannot run program "C:/WinPython-64bit-" (in directory "/home/user/Documents/model"): error=2, No such file or directory
Why is PyCharm still looking for the Interpreter in the folder that, I'm assuming, the user before me used to put it?
You can fix this error by modifying the .idea/workspace.xml
file. Search and remove any old interpreters and put the correct one.
Answer inspired by Ryan Elfman's post: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/206597295-Why-can-t-I-run-a-script-in-PyCharm-when-I-can-debug-it-I-get-CreateProcess-error-123