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How do I go to next element in a loop in RPGLE?

Let's say you have the following code:

FOR I = 1 to 10;
  // some code here

How would you skip over an element? Currently using GOTO works, but I do not like that solution. For example:

   FOR I = 1 to 10;
     IF I = 4;
C                   GOTO      NEXTONE

     // some code here

C     NEXTONE       TAG   


  • The ITER operation transfers control from within a DO or FOR group to the ENDDO or ENDFOR statement of the group. It can be used in DO, DOU, DOUxx, DOW, DOWxx, and FOR loops to transfer control immediately to a loop's ENDDO or ENDFOR statement. It causes the next iteration of the loop to be executed immediately. ITER affects the innermost loop.