I was trying to search Documents using the Azure Search Service REST API, with ORDER BY field populated with a certain field on my search index model:
The Request Body format is like this according to :
"count": true | false (default),
"facets": [ "facet_expression_1", "facet_expression_2", ... ],
"filter": "odata_filter_expression",
"highlight": "highlight_field_1, highlight_field_2, ...",
"highlightPreTag": "pre_tag",
"highlightPostTag": "post_tag",
"minimumCoverage": # (% of index that must be covered to declare query successful; default 100),
"orderby": "orderby_expression",
"scoringParameters": [ "scoring_parameter_1", "scoring_parameter_2", ... ],
"scoringProfile": "scoring_profile_name",
"search": "simple_query_expression",
"searchFields": "field_name_1, field_name_2, ...",
"searchMode": "any" (default) | "all",
"select": "field_name_1, field_name_2, ...",
"skip": # (default 0),
"top": #
As the "orderby", I put it like this: "orderby":"Title asc" where "Title" is a field in my search index model.
The result returned is sorted based on Title asc, but it's case sensitive, that's all A-Z records come before a-z records. Is there a way that I can make this order by case-insensitive? Thanks!
Currently, there's no built-in way to do case-insensitive sorting. One way to do this is to add a field to your index with case-normalized values and sort by that field.
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