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SOAP WCF Wrapped Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I have following WCF Service

[ServiceContract(Namespace = WcfConstants.WcfNamespace), ServiceBehavior(Namespace = WcfConstants.WcfNamespace)]
public class DeliveryWebService : IFactoryService
    [OperationContract, Sessional]
    public string InboundDelivery(MT_InboundDelivery MT_InboundDelivery)
        var error = "";
            ... some code

Whenever I do a request with following SOAP Message

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="">

I get error

Object reference not set to an instance of an object

If I add a "InboundDelivery" node to the message it works.

 <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="">

However I cannot change the message since this is send by a third-party application. I tried adding properties as [MessageContract(IsWrapped=true)] to my service without any success. I'm very new to SOAP so any help is welcome. Thanks!


  • MessageContarct could control the structure of soap message.

    Below is my test code. But if you want to use messageContract, the return type should also be of type MT_InboundDelivery

    public class DeliveryWebService : IFactoryService
        public MT_InboundDelivery InboundDelivery(MT_InboundDelivery MT_InboundDelivery)
            return MT_InboundDelivery;
     [ServiceContract(Namespace = "")]
    public interface IFactoryService
        MT_InboundDelivery InboundDelivery(MT_InboundDelivery MT_InboundDelivery);
    [MessageContract(IsWrapped = true)]
    public class MT_InboundDelivery
        public string HeaderDetails { get; set; }

    Below is the fiddle result. enter image description here

    If you don't want to use messageContract and couldn't control the client side. I think you should change the signature of your method. For example ,

      string MT_InboundDelivery(string HeaderDetails);