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How to joining two tables with missing rows in the last month?

I want to join two tables and one is missing a row for each currency group.


Transactions in local currency aggregated by month.(transactions table)

Date            Currency       spend
2019-01-01       EUR             100
2019-02-01       EUR             200 
2019-03-01       EUR             500
2019-04-01       EUR             214
2019-01-01       JYP            3200
2019-01-01       JYP            1534
2019-02-01       JYP            1534
2019-03-01       JYP            1534
2019-04-01       JYP            1534

Exchange Rate by month(exchange_data table)

Month            Currency       Average Monthly rate
2019-01-01       EUR            1.2
2019-02-01       EUR            1.3 
2019-03-01       EUR            1.4
2019-01-01       JYP            101
2019-02-01       JYP            102
2019-03-01       JYP            103
2019-01-01       USA            1
2019-02-01       USA            1
2019-03-01       USA            1

I want to perform a join to get all the transactions in USD. The problem is that the rate for the current month(2019-04-01) is not available. So all the transactions for the current month return NULL after the join.

I've managed to solve it in R but is there a way to solve it with SQL? I've been trying to use a window function but without success

LAG(rate,1) OVER (PARTITION BY currency ORDER BY month)

Solution in R: Assuming that the rate remains constant.


exchange_previous <- exchange_data[exchange_data$month == floor_date(today(),"month") %m-% months(1),]
exchange_previous$month <- exchange_previous$month %m+% months(1)

final <- transactions %>%
left_join(exchange_data, by = c("currency" = "name", "floor_date" = "month"))
Then simply multiply


  • Use a lateral join but it should look like this:

    select t.*, ed.average_monthly_rate,
    from transactions t left join lateral
         (select ed.*
          from exchange_data ed
          where ed.currency = t.currency and
                ed.month <=
          order by ed.month desc
          fetch first 1 row only
         ) ed
         on 1=1;

    I'm not sure if you want to divide or multiply by the rate.