Search code examples

TableView first cell hidden under search bar when returning to view

I have some weird behaviour on a TableView and hope someone could help me out.

I have a TableView with a searchbar in the navigation. The cells lead to a detail view. Whenever I search in the TableView and then hit a result cell to go to the detail view, on returning from the detail view to the TableView the first cell disappears underneath the opened search bar.



On selecting the item (detail view) and then returning (using the nav bar) the first cell is hidden under the search bar:


Some things to note:

  • If I print the contentInset on returning it gives -44 (1 cell hidden, like in the pic). I'm unable to set the contentInset back to 0.0 (or anything else for that matter) as it doesn't seem to change anything.
tableView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), animated: true)

// -44.0

If the first cell is hidden and I hide the search bar by pushing the table down and then up again, the problem automatically disappears and the ContentInset restores to 0.0.

UPDATE: I found that the view restores itself as well after returning the app from the background:

enter image description here

I can't however reproduce that in code. I've tried:



  • Solved, I set searchController.hidesNavigationBarDuringPresentation = false, which caused the bug. See the answer on this post: Search Bar in a Navigation Item collapses and gets stuck under status bar upon navigation pop, on iOS 11.

    Thanks for the help!