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euca-import-volume conversion stuck on pending

I'm following imaging guide docs to create an EBS backed image:

#import to volume
euca-import-volume CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1901.raw --format raw --availability-zone zone-1 --bucket imagebucket --description "ebs backed centos7"

The conversion task after import is stuck in Pending conversion at ApproximateBytesConverted 0 and is making no progress. Any ideas on common causes of this?

[root@desktop ~]# euca-describe-conversion-tasks
TaskType    IMPORTVOLUME    TaskId  import-vol-a6baf98c ExpirationTime  Wed Apr 17 09:25:47 EDT 2019    Status  active  StatusMessage   Pending conversion
DISKIMAGE   DiskImageFormat RAW DiskImageSize   8589934592  VolumeId    vol-4ddda573    VolumeSize  8   AvailabilityZone    zone-1  ApproximateBytesConverted   0

The imaging worker is configured with m2.2xlarge but I'm seeing conflicting info about whether its launching.

[root@cloud ~]# euca-describe-instances --filter tag-value=euca-internal-imaging-workers
[root@cloud ~]# esi-describe-images
    imaging     4.4.101    *     emi-ebfa1114      1     
 loadbalancing  4.4.101    *     emi-ebfa1114      0   


  • The conversion task staying in the pending state means there is an issue with the imaging worker instance.

    The reason you do not see output from euca-describe-instances is that the imaging worker runs in the (eucalyptus)imaging service account rather than the eucalyptus account. To see the instance details:

    # euare-rolelistbypath --as-account '(eucalyptus)imaging'
    # eval $(euare-assumerole arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/imaging/ImagingServiceAdministrator)
    # euca-describe-instances
    RESERVATION r-3170...
    # eval $(euare-releaserole)

    If there are issues with launching the instance then the CloudFormation service may have useful details, e.g.:

    # euform-describe-stacks
    # euform-describe-stack-events

    The most common issue with the imaging worker is forgetting to set the ntp server to use, e.g.:

    # euctl

    this is just an example, you should use the ntp server for your environment.

    To allow you to SSH to the imaging worker instance and check logs you should use euca-import-keypair as the imaging service administrator and then configure the key name:

    # euctl services.imaging.worker.keyname=KEYNAMEHERE

    An easy way to restart the imaging worker and pick up any configuration changes is:

    # euctl services.imaging.worker.configured=false
    # # wait for shutdown ...
    # euctl services.imaging.worker.configured=true