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How to preserve a docstring of a decorated class for sphinx documentation?

I have a decorator that has a nested definition of the wrapping class. Wrapper maintains as the attribute the original class that it wraps. Toy example looks like this:

def decorator(cls):
    class Wrapper(object):
        original = cls

        def __init__(self):
            self.__doc__ = self.original.__doc__
            self.__name__ = self.original.__name__

        def do_something_with_cls(cls):

    return Wrapper

Now I want to decorate the Foo class with this decorator in the other module and generate sphinx documentation for the Foo class before it has been decorated. It looks like this:

from .bar import decorator

class Foo(object):
    """The docstring I want to preserve."""
    def __init__(self):

I was trying to achieve this with use of the autoclass functionality but it didn't work out. What i wanted to do was to create a class instance and take its docstring:

.. autoclass:: package.baz.Foo()

but it returned this in the html documentation of the package.baz.Foo class: alias of<locals>.Wrapper

I want to achieve that when I am documenting the baz module I am able to generate a documentation of the Foo class before its decoration. Is it possible?


This looks like a similar problem but here what I would like to achieve is to pass to the Wrapper instance the docstring that Sphinx will see and generate a documentation basing on the original Foo docstring or I will be able to call a Wrapper.original and make a documentation of this, but the following didn't work out:

.. autoclass package.baz.Foo.original


  • If @wraps is not working you can update __doc__ manually.

    Do something like:

    def decorator(cls):
        class Wrapper(object):
            original = cls
            def __init__(self):
                self.__doc__ = self.original.__doc__
                self.__name__ = self.original.__name__
            def do_something_with_cls(cls):
        Wrapper.__doc__ = cls.__doc__
        return Wrapper
    class Foo(object):
        """The docstring I want to preserve."""
        def __init__(self):

    'The docstring I want to preserve.'