I want to poll an API endpoint until it reaches some condition. I expect it to reach this condition in couple of seconds to a minute. I have a method to call the endpoint that returns a Future
. Is there some way I can chain Future
s together to poll this endpoint every n
milliseconds and give up after t
Assume I have a function with the following signature:
def isComplete(): Future[Boolean] = ???
The simplest way to do this in my opinion would be to make everything blocking:
def untilComplete(): Unit = {
for { _ <- 0 to 10 } {
val status = Await.result(isComplete(), 1.seconds)
if (status) return Unit
throw new Error("Max attempts")
But this may occupy all the threads and it is not asynchronous. I also considered doing it recursively:
def untilComplete(
f: Future[Boolean] = Future.successful(false),
attempts: Int = 10
): Future[Unit] = f flatMap { status =>
if (status) Future.successful(Unit)
else if (attempts == 0) throw new Error("Max attempts")
else {
untilComplete(isComplete(), attempts - 1)
However, I am concerned about maxing out the call stack since this is not tail recursive.
Is there a better way of doing this?
Edit: I am using akka
You could use Akka Streams. For example, to call isComplete
every 500 milliseconds until the result of the Future
is true, up to a maximum of five times:
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Sink, Source }
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration._
def isComplete(): Future[Boolean] = ???
implicit val system = ActorSystem("MyExample")
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
implicit val ec = system.dispatcher
val stream: Future[Option[Boolean]] =
Source(1 to 5)
.throttle(1, 500 millis)
.mapAsync(parallelism = 1)(_ => isComplete())
.takeWhile(_ == false, true)
stream onComplete { result =>
println(s"Stream completed with result: $result")