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How to fix DeleteManyAsync returning 0 records deleted with Filter?

I have a delete method that takes in an IEnumerable of Ids that are of type string, and have a filter taking in those ids using Filter.In. However when passing in a set of ids I am getting a count of 0 for records deleted. Is my filter causing the issue?

I've created a test method to test my delete method and am passing in ids to try and have them deleted.

Test Solution

MongodDB Test method for delete method

    public async void TEST_DELETE(int quantity)
        using (var server = StartServer())
            // Arrange
            var collection = SetupCollection(server.Database, quantity);
            var dataUtility = new MongoDataUtility(server.Database, 
            var service = new MongoDatabaseService(dataUtility, Logger);

            var items = 

            // Act
            var result = await 
    dataUtility.DeleteIdentifiedDataAsync(items, CollectionName);

            // Assert

Setup collection

    public IMongoCollection<BsonDocument> SetupCollection(IMongoDatabase db, 
    int quantity)
        var collection = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>(CollectionName);

        SeedData(collection, quantity);

        return collection;

Seed data

    public void SeedData(IMongoCollection<BsonDocument> collection, int? 
    quantity = null)
        if (quantity != null && quantity > 0)


MongoDB delete method

 public async Task<DeleteResult> 
 DeleteIdentifiedDataAsync(IEnumerable<ObjectId> ids, string Resource, 
 CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        var collection = _db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>(Resource);
        var filter = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.In("_id", ids);

        if (ids != null && ids.Any() )
            return await collection.DeleteManyAsync(filter, 

        return null;


    public static ICollection<ObjectId> ToIdCollection(this 
    IAsyncCursor<BsonDocument> @this)
        return @this.Find(Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Empty)
            .Select(s => s["_id"].AsObjectId)


  • Your ToIdCollection method gets all the ids but also converts them from ObjectId to String when you run .Select(dict => dict["_id"].ToString()). MongoDB compares both values and types when you run DeleteManyAsync and that's why there is no match - you're trying to compare list of strings against ObjectIds that are stored in the database.

    To fix that you can replace ToIdCollection with following implementation:

    return @this.Find(Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Empty)
                            .Select(s => s["_id"].AsObjectId)