Search code examples

Google script delete duplicate row, leave most recent

I am scraping ticket data from gmail using the GmailApp in scripts. However, when a ticket status changes, I get a new email and we get a new row appended with a more recent time stamp.

I want to search for the duplicate ticket number (A) and delete the older timestamp (J).

The issue I am having is that oldTime is actually the latest entry so nothing happens.

13007 | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | 2/25/2019  
13007 | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | 2/26/2019  

A is the ticket number. B-I change depending on the ticket information. J is pulled from the email date.

 function removeDuplicates() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var newData = [];
for(i in data){
var row = data[i];
var duplicate = false;
for(j in newData){
  //If Column A in the old entry matches Column A in the new entry
  if(row[0] == newData[j][0]){
    //Pull New Timestamp and Old Timestamp
    var newTime = Date.parse(newData[j][9]);
    var oldTime = Date.parse(row[9]);
    if (newTime>oldTime) duplicate=true; // number is milliseconds in 24 hours      
sheet.getRange(1, 1, newData.length, newData[0].length).setValues(newData);


  • Replacing Older Rows with newer Rows

    Okay this is working on my data let's see if it works on yours.

    function outWithTheOldInWithTheNew() {
      var sh=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
      var eA=sh.getRange(2,1,sh.getLastRow()-1,sh.getLastColumn()).getValues();
      var tA=sh.getRange(2,1,sh.getLastRow()-1,1).getValues();
      var dA=sh.getRange(2,10,sh.getLastRow()-1,10).getValues();
      var uA=[];//ticket numbers
      var uB=[];//dates
      var uC=[];//entire rows
      for(var i=0;i<tA.length;i++) {
        var idx=uA.indexOf(tA[i][0]);
        if(idx==-1) {
        }else if(new Date(dA[i][0]).valueOf() > new Date(uB[idx]).valueOf()) {
          uB.splice(idx,1,dA[i][0]);//replace newer dates
          uC.splice(idx,1,eA[i]);//replace newer rows
      sh.getRange(2,1,uC.length,uC[0].length).setValues(uC);//newest rows

    Spreadsheet before:

    enter image description here

    Spreadsheet after:

    enter image description here