this is the first time I work with NSIS, I want to edit an script NSIS to allow me:
If first instalation -> create the directory "Affaires" in the location "C:\Users\ali.ait-mouhoub.ext\AppData".
If it is an update (So the directory "Affaires" it already exists in "C:\N.O.E") -> move the directory "Affaires" with its contents to "C:\Users\ali.ait-mouhoub.ext\AppData".
The current script creates the directory "Affaires" in "C:\N.O.E".
Can you please help me modify my script to meet my needs?
If the both the new and old locations are on the same volume then you can use Rename
Rename "$InstDir\Stuff" "$InstDir\OldStuff"
If the new location might be on a different volume then you have to copy+delete:
!include LogicLib.nsh
CopyFiles /Silent "$InstDir\Stuff" "x:\Backup"
${If} ${Errors}
MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP "Unable to move!"
RMDir /R "$InstDir\Stuff"