I'm looking for the best way to implement Peewee's context manager with periodic tasks in Huey. Normal tasks have that nice little Huey.context_task() decorator, but there doesn't seem to be anything similar for periodic tasks.
Am I correct to assume I will just have to use an (uglier) with statement within periodic tasks?
Should be able to do something like this:
from functools import wraps
huey = RedisHuey()
db = PostgresqlDatabase(...)
def db_periodic_task(*args, **kwargs):
def decorator(fn):
def new_task():
with db:
return huey.periodic_task(*args, **kwargs)(new_task)
return decorator
@db_periodic_task(crontab('0', '0'))
def my_periodic_task():
# db will have been opened at start.
# db will then be closed upon return.