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How to insert an array using sails waterline into a postgresql table?

I want to insert an array of strings in one column of a postgresql table using waterline ORM of sailsjs.

I have tried making the model Users.js like this :

      type: 'string',
      required: false,
      columnType: 'array'

The insert query goes like this:

Users.create({ interest : ['programming'] });

The datatype in postgre table for interest column is character varying[].

When i try to perform an insert using this setup, it throws an error:

 Specified value (a array: [ 'programming' ]) doesn't match the expected type: 'string'

how can I insert an array in the postgresql table, how should the model look like?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!


  • I use PG arrays quite a bit throughout my projects and have never had any issues using type: 'ref' then specifying a postgres array type in columnType. Something like the following:

     things: {
      type: 'ref',
      columnType: 'text[]',
      defaultsTo: null, // or defaultsTo: []
      description: 'An array of stringy-things',

    PG array type docs:, but basically you want probably want to use <TYPE>[] for your columnTypes, ie integer[], etc