I have a data frame with 2 text fields: comment and the main post
basically this is the structure
id comment post_text
1 "I think that blabla.." "Why is blabla.."
2 "Well, you should blabla.." "okay, blabla.."
3 ...
I want to compute the similarity between the text in the comment in row one and the text in post_text in row one, and do this for all the rows. as far as I know, I have to create separate dfm objects for the two types of texts
corp1 <- corpus(r , text_field= "comment")
corp2 <- corpus(r , text_field= "post_text")
dfm1 <- dfm(corp1)
dfm2 <- dfm(corp2)
in the end, I want to obtain something like this:
id comment post_text similarity
1 "I think that blabla.." "Why is blabla.." *similarity between comment1 and post_text1
2 "Well, you should blabla.." "okay, blabla.." *similarity between comment2 and post_text2
3 ...
I am not sure how to proceed, I found this on StackOverflow Pairwise Distance between documents but they are computing cross-similarity between dfm while I need similarity by row,
so basically what I thought was to do the following:
dtm <- rbind(dfm(corp1), dfm(corp2))
d2 <- textstat_simil(dtm, method = "cosine", diag = TRUE)
matrixsim<- as.matrix(d2)[docnames(corp1), docnames(corp2)]
diagonale <- diag(matrixsim)
but the diagonal is just a list of 1 1 1 1..
any idea on how I can solve this problem? thank you in advance for your help,
I'd do it by creating a single column of documents, but distinguish them using docnames indicating the type of document.
df <- data.frame(
id = c(1, 2),
comment = c(
"I think that blabla..",
"Well, you should blabla"
post_text = c(
"Why is blabla",
"okay, blabla"
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# stack these into a single "document" column, plus a docvar
# identifying the document type
df <- tidyr::gather(df, "source", "text", -id)
## id source text
## 1 1 comment I think that blabla..
## 2 2 comment Well, you should blabla
## 3 1 post_text Why is blabla
## 4 2 post_text okay, blabla
## Package version: 1.4.3
## Parallel computing: 2 of 12 threads used.
## See https://quanteda.io for tutorials and examples.
## Attaching package: 'quanteda'
## The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
## View
corp <- corpus(df)
docnames(corp) <- paste(df$id, df$source, sep = "_")
dfm(corp) %>%
## 1_comment 2_comment 1_post_text
## 2_comment -0.39279220
## 1_post_text -0.14907120 -0.09759001
## 2_post_text -0.14907120 0.29277002 0.11111111
You now can slice out what you want using matrix subsetting. (Use as.matrix()
to turn the output from textstat_simil()
into a matrix.)