I have a class movie, where I have auto-implemented List 'Shows' to add Show class objects. I am able to add and access it in the main
method, but when I call the list from another class named Access
, it gives me an empty list.
I instantiated Movie
class in Access
class but it is creating new list instead of getting the already existing list.
I need to have a non-parameterized constructor in Movie
class. I also need to be able to access the same List
'Shows' in other classes also.
// The Movie class where i create the list and store all show class objects
public class Movie
public List<Show> Shows { get; set; }
public Movie()
this.Shows = new List<Show>();
public static void Main(string[] args)
// create new object of Show type
Show s = new Show(153, 258, 391);
Movie mv = new Movie();
// add object to List
// The output gives me 153, which is correct
public class Show
public int ShowID { get; set; }
public int MovieID { get; set; }
public int TheatreID { get; set; }
public Show(int showid, int movieid, int theatreid)
this.ShowID = showid;
this.MovieID = movieid;
this.TheatreID = theatreid;
// i need to Access the list in this class
public class Access
Movie mov = new Moive();
// the output is showing null value error
I need to get be able to get and set the List from other classes in the same namespace
The problem seems logical since you instantiate your show list (Shows) in the constructor, each time you instantiate Movie a new show list (Shows) will be instantiated.
In your case you must use singleton pattern
The singleton pattern is a Creational design pattern, which guarantees a single instance of an object.
private static List<Show> shows;
public static List<Show> Shows
if (shows == null)
shows = new List<Show>();
return shows;