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Kong DB-less in Docker

As of Kong 1.1 you can use db-less (declarative) configuration.

I can't find any information on how to start a Kong 1.1 based container in db-less/declarative mode without having to set up a db connection first. Does anyone know how to do this?

Checks documentation at


  • On the step 4 of kong official docker installation,
    just change the config of docker run command FROM -e "KONG_DATABASE=postgres" TO -e "KONG_DATABASE=off" and you can go ahead!

    remember that if you have a kong container run with postgres or cassandra before, firstly remove that configured kong container and image! Then run command like above

    kong database less configuration: this shows the way to config database less by "off"
    kong docker compose file: this shows the config of kong database in docker