Trying to use the function COUNTW
to get the number of "words" within a string.
But this string may sometimes contain NULL value when it is comma delimited;
I found some custom macro that can do that, just wondering if I can achieve the same with in-built function, COUNTW for example.
For example:
%put %wordcount('abc, , ,def,,56j,type',DLM=%str(,));
The above is a custom function, and it returns 7
%put %sysfunc(countw('abc, , ,def,,56j,type',%str(,)));
returns 6 because it does not counting the NULL between 2 commas (",,")
Very simple, just look at the online documentation! COUNTW
has optional modifiers, one of which is M
which tells the function to include consecutive delimiters as a word, not null.
The following code returns 7, not 6.
%put %sysfunc(countw('abc, , ,def,,56j,type',%str(,),M));