I'm building an a form using FormArray in my Angular app:
public form = new FormGroup({
experiences: new FormArray([])
Users can add experiences to the array:
addExperience(lotsOfVars) {
const formGroup = new FormGroup({ /* creating a formgroup*/})
(<FormArray> this.form.get('experiences')).push(formGroup);
A new requirement is to allow users change the order of previously entered experiences:
Question: How is this best implemented?
Expected result (something like):
moveUp(i: number) {
(<FormArray> this.form.controls['experiences']).at(i).moveUp()
you could just swap the controls.
// clone object (otherwise only pointer/reference is saved).
const temp = Object.assign({}, (<FormArray> this.form.controls['experiences']).at(i - 1).value);
(<FormArray> this.form.controls['experiences']).at(i - 1).setValue((<FormArray> this.form.controls['experiences']).at(i).value);
(<FormArray> this.form.controls['experiences']).at(i).setValue(temp);
for more detailed answer you could check this post.