I'm trying to add entites to the modelspace of an existing .dxf file using ezdxf. The location of the inserted entities is completely off from where I expect them to be.
For a circle, I got the location coordinates of an entity using by e.dxf.insert and used this point as the center of a circle. I've used the following code:
import ezdxf
dwg = ezdxf.readfile("drainage.dxf")
msp = dwg.modelspace()
dwg.layers.new(name='MyCircles', dxfattribs={'color': 7})
def encircle_entity(e):
if e.dxftype()=='INSERT':
circleCenter = e.dxf.insert
msp.add_circle(circleCenter, 10, dxfattribs={'layer': 'MyCircles'})
print("Circle entity added")
washBasins = msp.query('*[layer=="WASH BASINS"]')
for e in washBasins:
Link to drainage.dxf (input) and encircle.dxf (output) files: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aIhZiuEdClt0warjPPcKiz4XJ7A7QWf_
This creates a circle, but at an incorrect position.
Where is the origin in the dxf file and the origin that ezdxf uses? How do I get the correct positions of all entities, especially INSERT, LINES and CIRCLES? How do I place my entities at the desired positions in an already existing dxf file using ezdxf? Where are the e.dxf.start and e.dxf.end points of a line with respect to the coordinates?
I think I'm missing something in coordinates here. Kindly explain how the coordinates work.
Python version of @LeeMac solution, but ignoring OCS:
import ezdxf
from ezdxf.math import Vector
DXFFILE = 'drainage.dxf'
OUTFILE = 'encircle.dxf'
dwg = ezdxf.readfile(DXFFILE)
msp = dwg.modelspace()
dwg.layers.new(name='MyCircles', dxfattribs={'color': 4})
def get_first_circle_center(block_layout):
block = block_layout.block
base_point = Vector(block.dxf.base_point)
circles = block_layout.query('CIRCLE')
if len(circles):
circle = circles[0] # take first circle
center = Vector(circle.dxf.center)
return center - base_point
return Vector(0, 0, 0)
# block definition to examine
block_layout = dwg.blocks.get('WB')
offset = get_first_circle_center(block_layout)
for e in msp.query('INSERT[name=="WB"]'):
scale = e.get_dxf_attrib('xscale', 1) # assume uniform scaling
_offset = offset.rotate_deg(e.get_dxf_attrib('rotation', 0)) * scale
location = e.dxf.insert + _offset
msp.add_circle(center=location, radius=1, dxfattribs={'layer': 'MyCircles'})